该文介绍基于PLC的温度、液位控制系统的实现方法,目的是掌握变频器的远程控制、简单PID调节、串级控制等设计要领;介绍了PID控制策略的相关理论及Control Net和Device Net网络。对液位和温度控制系统的结构及其设计过程进行了详细地论述,给出了系统的控制模型。编制梯形图程序实现控制系统的控制要求,并运用RSTune软件对PID参数进行整定。
This paper introduces the realization of the temperature and liquid level control system based on PLC method,the purpose is to grasp the remote control of frequency converter,simple PID control and cascade control design main point. This paper introduces the related theory of PID control strategy and Control Net and Device Net network. The liquid level and temperature control system structure and design process were described in detail,the system control model is given. Ladder diagram program to achieve control requirements of the control system,and using RSTune software for PID parameters setting.
Industrial Instrumentation & Automation