技术竞争情报是竞争情报的重要分支,越来越受到情报学界的重视。本文基于中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)自1998年至2014年我国技术竞争情报的142篇文献,利用Cite Space III对文献共被引、期刊共被引、研究机构合作关系以及高频关键词共现进行可视化分析,构建我国技术竞争情报领域研究的知识图谱。在此基础上,分析了技术竞争情报研究的知识基础、研究前沿与研究热点,结果表明,我国技术竞争情报的研究热点聚焦在专利分析、技术预见、技术转移等方面,但是高影响力文献较少。
Competitive technical intelligence is being got more and more attention as an important branch of competitive intelligence. This study analysed 142 literatures indexed by the CSSCI concerning competitive technical intelligence from 1998 to 2014. Using the CSSCI database and CiteSpace III software, this article plotted the document co-citation network map, the journal co-citation network map, the institution cooperation network map, and used high frequency keywords in these publications to analyse the hot topics and the research frontiers for competitive technical intelligence in China. The result indicates that the research frontiers of the competitive technical intelligence in China focus on the patent analysis, the technology foresight, technology transfer, etc. However, there is very few high-impact literature on the competitive technical intelligence in China.
Competitive Intelligence