近年来动物源食品安全问题日益成为社会和政府关注的焦点之一。动物源食品兽药残留严重危害环境和人体健康,同时现有的兽药多残留检测方法存在前处理复杂、耗时,检测种类单一,灵敏度较低等弊端。Qu ECh ERS是基于分散固相萃取(DSPE)建立起来的一种农药多残留快速(quick)、简单(easy)、便宜(cheap)、高效(effective)、耐用(rugged)和安全(safe)的分析方法,并结合高灵敏度和高选择性的超高效液相色谱串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS),已经广泛应用于动物性食品中兽药残留检测。本文阐述了Qu ECh ERS方法的原理、特点和基本步骤,以及我国近年来Qu ECh ERS-HPLC-MS/MS在动物源性食品兽药多残留检测中的应用进展。
In recent years,the food safety problem of animal-origin foods increasingly becomes one of the focus of the government and the society. The drug residue of animal- origin foods seriously has impaired the environment and human health,and the existing methods of veterinary drug residues have the disadvantages of pretreatment complexity,time-consuming and detecting singleness,low sensitivity. Qu ECh ERS is quick,easy,cheap,effective,rugged and safe method for pesticide multi- residue analysis based on dispersive solid phase extraction, combined with high sensitivity and selectivity of high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry( HPLC / MS / MS),has been widely applied in the veterinary drug residues in animal food detection. The principle,characteristics,the basic step of Qu ECh ERS method,and the application progress of Qu ECh ERS-HPLC-MS / MS in the field of veterinary drug residue analysis were described.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry