Objective: To initially investigate the clinical efficacy and prognosis of surgery combined with GC (gemcitabine and eisplatin) regimen for the bladder small cell carcinoma (BSCC) mixed with other kinds of bladder cell carcinoma. Method: From May 2012 to March 2014, seven patients including six males and one female were treated for the mixed BSCC, and their clinical data were reviewed. The average age was 61 (range, 49-71) years. All patients had different degrees of symptom of hematuresis, and five of them also had irritation signs of bladder. The tumor of bladder were confirmed by B ultrasound or CTU scan in all patients before surgery. Four cases were operated with radical cystectomy, and the rest three cases underwent transurethral resection of bladder tumor. Result: The postoperative pathology showed that all cases were mixed BSCC. Five patients were found blended with high level of invasive urothelial carcinoma, and the other two patients were blended with low level of urothelial carcinoma. The immunohistochemieal staining showed that Syn, CgA, CD56, Ki-67 were stronger positive in all cases, while uroplakin was found scattered positive expression in the samples. Patients were all treated with 4-6 cycles of GC regimen after a month of operation. Only two cases didn't accomplish chemotherapy because of insufferable side effects. The follow-up data were availabe in all cases, and the median survival time was 19 months. All patients survived except that one case died of tumor progression and metastasis. Conclusion: The mixed BSCC shows poor prognosis because of high-grade malignancy. A confirmed diagnosis depends on pathology and immunohistological examination. Surgical resection is still the preferred treatment in the early stage, and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy may improve the effect. However, the number of case and relevant clinical controlled trials are so little that a long-term follow-up is still needed in order to evaluate the prognosis and curative effect.
Journal of Clinical Urology