
虚拟知识社区用户知识贡献行为影响因素研究——贡献者和潜水者比较 被引量:22

Research on Influencing Factor of Users' Knowledge Contribution Behavior in Virtual Knowledge Community
摘要 文章通过结构方程模型进行实证研究,发现:在虚拟知识社区中,贡献者的知识贡献意向更多地受激励机制、功能服务、社会身份因素的影响;潜水者的知识贡献意向更多地受知识贡献自我效能、线下活动因素的影响;贡献者和潜水者的知识贡献意向均正向显著影响其可持续知识贡献行为,两者差异较小。 This paper applies the structural equation model to carry on an empirical research, the conclusions are as follows. In the virtual community, the intentions of contributors' knowledge contribution are affected by incentive mechanism, service function, and social status factors to a large extent. The intentions of lurkers' knowledge contribution are influenced more by knowledge contribution self-efficacy, offline activities to a large extent. The knowledge contribution intention of contributors and lurkers all have a positive significant impact on their sustainable knowledge contribution behavior, and the difference is smaller.
作者 万莉 程慧平
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期93-97,共5页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
关键词 虚拟知识社区 用户 知识贡献行为 影响因素 结构方程模型 virtual knowledge community user knowledge contribution behavior influencing factor structural equation model
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