
一种轻型无人机定位及航向校正方法 被引量:2

A Method of Locating Light UAV and Correcting Heading
摘要 轻型无人机具有成本低、重量轻的特点,但易受气流等因素的影响,在飞行过程中容易偏离规划航线飞行,影响任务的有效实施。为此提出了一种航向校正的方法,使得无人机能够沿着规划航线飞行,同时为了降低对GPS的依赖。在校正之前采用卡尔曼滤波算法对无人机进行定位。仿真结果表明,卡尔曼滤波算法所取得的定位效果和后续的航向校正效果能够基本满足要求,且定位精度和校正精度能够达到实际工程要求,可行性得到验证。 The light UAV has the advantage of small price and light weight, but being vulnerable to the effects of factors such as airflow. During the flight, it is easy to deviate from the planned route of flight, which can affect the effective implementation of the mandate. This paper presented a method of correcting the heading and ensuring the UAV fly along the planned route. At the same time, in order to reduce reliance on the GPS, this paper used Kalman Filtering algorithm to locate the UAV before correcting. The simulation results show that the locating effect of Kalman Filtering algorithm and subsequent effect of heading correction can basically meet the requirements, and the positioning accuracy and correcting accuracy of this method can fulfill the requirements of practical engineering, and its feasibility has been proved.
作者 于云龙 茹乐
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期71-74,132,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(61132007) 陕西省基础研究项目(2014JQ8331)
关键词 轻型无人机 定位 航向校正 定位精度 校正精度 Light UAV Location Heading correction Positioning accuracy Correcting accuracy
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