目的:探讨分析肺动脉栓塞的炫速双源CT诊断效果。方法:采取回顾性分析法,抽取2012年8月—2015年4月经临床确诊的35例肺动脉栓塞患者,事先实施炫速双源CT平扫,而后经肘注射欧乃派克或者优维显,延迟30 s后实施第2次扫描,观察分析检查诊断结果。结果:经炫速双源CT平扫检查,有18例患者肺纹理稀疏,16例患者肺梗死灶形成,5例患者肺动脉高压,11例患者胸腔积液,6例患者胸膜肥厚。经增强扫描检查后,大部分患者充盈缺损与动脉面细小。结论:采用炫速双源CT扫描诊断肺动脉栓塞,速度快且图像清晰,可及时扫描并观察各种小病灶,安全有效。
Objective: To investigae and analyze the CT diagnostic performance of dual source for pulmonary embolism. Methods: he records of 35 cases with pulmonary embolism from August 2012 to April 2015 were retrospectively analyzed by prior implementation of Hyun-speed dual-source CT scan followed by the elbow injection omnipaque or ultravist, the implementation of the second scan was delayed by 30 s. Finally, the results of diagnosis were observed and analyzed. Results: Hyun-speed dual-source CT scan examination diagnosed: 18 patients with markings sparse, 16 patients of pulmonary infarction form, 5 patients with pulmonary hypertension, 11 patients with pleural effusion and 6 patients with pleural thickening. After enhanced scan, the majority of patients with arterial filling defect tiny face. Conclusion: Hyun-speed dual-source CT scanning for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism has advantage of being fast with good image clarity providing timely scan with safety and clear scannings. It can depict variety of small lesions.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine