
不同微创椎弓根螺钉系统治疗胸腰椎骨折的临床疗效对照分析 被引量:1

A comparative study on clinical effect of different kinds of minimally invasive pedicle screw system intreatment of thoracolumbar fractures
摘要 目的探讨Can-Help微创椎弓根螺钉系统和Sextant微创椎弓根螺钉系统治疗胸腰椎骨折临床疗效差异,为临床治疗方案的制定提供参考。方法选取收治胸腰椎骨折患者54例,随机分为A组(27例)和B组(27例),分别采用Can-Help微创椎弓根螺钉系统和Sextant微创椎弓根螺钉系统治疗。比较两组患者手术时间、术中出血量、术中X线的暴露时间、手术前后cobb角、视觉模拟评分(VAS)、OSWESTRY功能障碍指数水平及术后并发症发生情况。结果 A组的手术时间、术中出血量为及术中X线暴露时间为均显著少于B组(P<0.05);A组术后1周、3个月及6个月cobb角度数均显著低于B组(均P<0.05);A组术后3个月和6个月VAS评分均显著低于B组(P<0.05),A组术后1周、3个月及6个月OSWESTRY功能障碍指数评分均显著低于B组(P<0.05)。结论相对于Sextant微创椎弓根螺钉系统,Can-Help微创椎弓根螺钉系统治疗可有效矫正伤椎畸形,降低患者术后矫正角度丢失风险。 Objective To explore the clinical effect of application of different kinds of minimally invasive pedicle screw system including Can - Help minimally invasive pedicle screw system and Sextant minimally invasive pedicle screw system in treatment of patients with thoracolum-bar fractures. Methods A total of 54 patients with thoracolumbar fractures were chosen for this study,and they were randomly divided into 2 groups including patients in group A(27 cases)treated with Can - Help minimally invasive pedicle screw system and patients in group B(27 ca-ses)were treated with Sextant minimally invasive pedicle screw system;and the operating time,amount ofintraoperative blood loss,exposure time of X ray,Cobb angle,VAS scores,Oswestry dysfunction index and the occurrence of postoperative complications in patients of both groups were compared. Results The operating time,amount of intraoperative blood loss and exposure time of X ray in patients of group B were significantly better thanthose of patients in group A( P ﹤ 0. 05). The degrees of Cobb angle in 1 week,3 months and 6 months after operationin patients of group A were significantly lower than those of patients in group B( P ﹤ 0. 05). The VAS scores in 3 months and 6 months after operation in pa-tients of group A were significantly lower than those of patients in group B( P ﹤ 0. 05). The Oswestry dysfunction indexes in 1 week,3 months and 6 months after operation in patients of group Awere significantly lower than those of patients in group B( P ﹤ 0. 05). Conclusion In com-parison with Sextant minimally invasive pedicle screw system,Can - Help minimally invasive pedicle screw system in treatment of thoracolumbar fractures can efficiently rectify the vertebral deformity and reduce the risk of postoperative correction.
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2015年第21期1818-1821,共4页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 胸腰椎骨折 Can - Help微创椎弓根螺钉系统 Sextant微创椎弓根螺钉系统 Thoracolumbar fractures Can - Help minimally invasive pedicle screw system Sextant minimally invasive pedicle screw system
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