
青年男性湿热环境运动中核心温度的预测 被引量:2

Predicting Core Temperature of Young Men During Exercise in a Hot and Humid Environment
摘要 目的:观察青年男性在湿热环境运动中心率(HR)、心率变异性(HRV)、核心温度(Tc)、额温(Tf)的变化,探讨并建立青年男性湿热环境运动中Tc的预测公式。方法:选取非体育专业大学生21名,在温度36.0℃、相对湿度60.0%的环境下完成运动平板实验,初始以40%-50%VO2max的强度(≈6.4 km/h的速度)运动20 min,而后增加强度至60%VO2max的强度(≈9.6 km/h的速度)运动至力竭。在运动过程中实时监测受试者的HR、HRV、Tc、Tf,并在运动前后对受试者的体重进行测量。结果:受试者在运动(29.7±3.8)min后达到力竭,力竭时刻HR达到(201±10)次/min;Tc达到(39.1±0.3)℃;Tf到达(39.6±0.7)℃;体重丢失达到(590±512)g。运动过程中HR、Tc、Tf显著升高(P〈0.05),HRV的时域指标STD、RMSSD、RRindex显著下降(P〈0.05)。回归分析显示,HR为良好的Tc预测指标,预测公式为Tc=39.17-0.02·HR-4·HR2(r2=0.969;P=0.001)或Tc=0.02·HR+34.66(r2=0.977;P=0.001)。此外,还发现HR是预测5 min后Tf值的良好指标(r2=0.974;P=0.006)。结论:青年男性在湿热环境下进行先低等强度后中等强度的运动时,可以运用HR对机体的Tc进行预测,以预防热疾病的发生。 Objective: The aim of this study was to establish an equation to predict core temperature of young menduring exercise in a hot and humid environment by observing the changes of heart rate (HR) , heart rate variability(HRV) , core temperature (Tc ) , forehead temperature (Tf) in this special Situation. Methods: Twenty-one non-athlete students ( mean age 19.1 ± 0.3 yrs, height 177.9 ± 4.8 cm, weight 67.4 ± 7.1 kg, VO2max 3.7 ± 0.4 L/min) participated in the study. HR, HRV, Tc and Tf were recorded during exercise (jogging 20 min at 40%-50% VO2m ( 6.4 krnfh) , then jogging at about 60% VO2max ( -9.6 km/h) and continues to exhaustion) in anenvironment with 36.0℃, 60.0% relative humidity (RH). And people's weight was measured at pre- and post-exercise. Results: Subjects were exhausted after 29.7 ± 3.8 min, at the same time, their HR was 201 ± 10beats/min, Tc was 39.1 ±0.3 ℃ , Tf was 39.6 ±0.7℃ , weight loss was 590 ±512 g. During exercise, HR, Tcand Tf increased (Ps 〈 0.05) , and STD, RMSSD and RR ( HRV indexes) decreased (Ps 〈 0.05). By regres-sion analysis, we found that HR is a good indicator to predict To, and the prediction equation is T = 39.17 -0.02 · HR -4 HR2(r2 = 0.969; P= 0.001) or To = 0.02 · HR + 34.66 (r2 =0.977; P = 0.001). Alsowe found that HR is a good indicator to predict Tr of the next 5 minutes ( r2 = 0. 0974 ; P = 0. 006) under thissituation. Conclusion : HR is a good indicator to predict the Tc of young men during light -moderate intensity exer-cise for heat-illness prevention.
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期63-69,共7页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(编号:2012BAK21B03) 2014国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目
关键词 湿热环境 核心温度 心率 力竭运动 热疾病 hot and humid environment core temperature heart rate exhausted exercise heat-illness
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