The bunch of traditional methodologies in city research has in a sense gone obsolete as our view an- gles move from being mechanistic to complex. The city as a whole can be considered a life system, which is nonlin- ear, colossal and rapid changing. On top of that, the city specific features could also include values, cultures and spirits steering the development substantially. It is imperative to examine these topics with interdisciplinary approa- ches while the traditional ones are handicapped. Metaphor of findings in natural sciences is now widely used in social sciences. One of the attempts is to use gene theory of biosciences to analyze some complex social phenomena. Some existing studies have examined the DNA (gene) from perspective of micro level like Dawkins' meme, and some others from perspective of macro level like Gurnek's country DNA. After reviewing the successful cases, we propose the analysis of DNA (gene) in inter- preting an ever evolving city spirits on middle level, a framework that seems to work in terms of more distinctive self-recognition on city than on country. City spirits may mimic the behavior of DNA in that some core features of a city also demonstrates duplication, inheritance and mutation. This paper aims to summarize a trial framework con- stituted by some selected features to address the city DNA behavior. Drawing on induction and deduction, we may construct the definition of city DNA on the one hand, and sum- marize a framework on the other. The city DNA has two strata of features, the basic features which include natural endowment, city function, population structure, governance style and society customs; and derived features which include value and behavior. The basic features play a role of deciding the derived ones, in return the latter can guide the evolution of the former. We then put the framework into a case study of Shanghai and enumerate its typi- cal features that correspond to basic and derived features, for example, 1 ) natural endowment : flat terra
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
gene of cities
city management