Qi Jiguang Exterminating Japanese Pirates is a historical novel of the Ming Dynasty. This paper argues that the author of the novel had a close relationship with Yu Shaoyu, Yu Xiangdou and Zheng Shirong, who were bookstore owners and novelists. The novel was written between Longqing to early Wanli, and published approximately before the 26th year of Wanli. This novel covers many important issues such as the war against Japanese pirates, roots of the pirates, the corrupt officials and the riots of Kebing soldiers. It has so strong a sense of critical consciousness and adversity awareness that Zheng Zhenduo evaluated it as a "marvelous book" with "great political significance". It is the only historical novel that relatively comprehensively describes the Japanese pirates and the war against them in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the only long novel whose theme is on Qi Jiguang's contribution to the extermination of Japanese pirates. In this sense, the novel possesses a special significance in the history of novels.
Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
Qi Jiguang Exterminating Japanese Pirates
Qi Jiguang
Japanese pirates