
情景特征对自闭症儿童社交定向影响的眼动研究 被引量:8

On the Eye Movement Involving the Effect of Situational Features on Autistic Children's Social Orientation
摘要 以37名自闭症儿童和28名普通儿童为被试,采用电影社交片段为刺激材料探讨情景特征对社交定向的影响。结果发现:自闭症儿童对社交定向区域的首进入时间和前注视次数显著多于普通儿童,注视时间和注视次数却显著少于普通儿童;对于正性情境类型社交定向的首注视时间显著多于负性情境,对于室外场所类型社交定向的注视时间和注视次数显著多于室内场所;在负性情境类型中对室外场所社交定向的首注视时间和注视时间显著大于室内场所,在室内场所类型中对正性情境社交定向的首注视时间和注视时间显著大于负性情境。研究者认为:自闭症儿童表现出一定的社交定向困难,且受到情景特征的显著影响,存在正性加工偏好现象,这在室内社交情景中体现得尤为明显。 This study, by surveying 37 children with autism and 28 normal children with clips from movies, aims to probe into the effect of situation features on social orientation in children with autism. The results show the following: The children with autism spend a signifiantly longer time on first fixation (TFF) and have signifi- cantly more fixation before (FB) than the normal children in the target area of the social situation, but spend a significantly shorter total fixation duration (TFD) and have less fixation counts (FC) in the target area than the normal children; the two groups of children spend a longer first fixation duration (FFD) on the target area in the positive social situation, and spend a significantly longer TFD and have significantly more FC on the target area in the outdoor social situation than on that in the indoor social situation; in the negative social situation, the two groups of children spend a significantly longer TFF and TFI) in the target area in the outdoor social situation than on that in the indoor social situation; in the indoor social situation, the two goups of children spend a significant- ly longer TFF and TFD in the target area in the positive social situation than on that in the negative social situ- ation. The study concludes the following: children with autism show some difficulty in social orientation, and are significantly 'affected by the situation features; they have a positive processing bias, especially in the indoor social situation.
作者 林云强
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期39-46,62,共9页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"自闭症谱系障碍儿童的威胁知觉及其教育应用研究"(项目编号:14YJC880033) 浙江省哲学社会科学研究培育基地--浙江师范大学"儿童研究院"研究专项
关键词 自闭症儿童 情景特征 社交定向 眼动研究 autistic children situational features social orientation eye movement study
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