

Verification of Universality of Textual Deformation System——In Terms of Translation Between Two Languages of English and Chinese
摘要 阻碍原文异质进入译文的文本变形系统由合理化、明晰化等12种变形倾向组成。该理论虽然是贝尔曼基于法语和拉美语的翻译经验构建的,但其具有普遍性,同样适用于汉、英两种语言的翻译实践。变形倾向对汉、英两种语言翻译实践施加影响的方式与其对法语和拉美语言翻译实践施加影响的方式一样,即单独影响或联合制约。 Textual deformation system which obstructs the entering of foreign elements of the source work into the target work consists of rationalization,clarification as well as ten other deforming tendencies.The theory, though based on Antoine Berman′s translation practice of French and Latin-American languages,is also valid in the translation between two languages of English and Chinese.The deforming tendencies either individually regu-late the translation between English and Chinese or vice versa through two models,or influence the translation in the model of several tendencies integrated as a whole.
作者 梅阳春
出处 《江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期56-61,82,共7页 Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家哲学社科基金项目"基于<大中华文库>的中国典籍英译翻译策略研究"(13BYY034)
关键词 文本变形系统 普遍性 汉英翻译论证 textual deformation system universality verification in terms of the translation between the two languages of English and Chinese
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