

Assessment of Hydrogen Risk under Containment Severe Challenge Status
摘要 以全球首个采用非能动设计的三代核电技术的三门核电厂为分析对象,结合电厂现行严重事故管理导则(SAMG),研究安全壳严重威胁状态下的氢气风险控制。使用一体化事故分析程序建立了电厂模型,分析了热段2英寸破口叠加专设安全设施失效导致产生超过100%活性区锆水反应产氢量的严重事故序列。在此假想工况下安全壳水冷功能失效导致事故后安全壳处于惰化环境中,而产生了安全壳超压风险和氢气风险并存的不利情况。对比分析了仅执行严重威胁导则-2(SCG-2)恢复安全壳水冷和执行SCG-2后执行SCG-3控制安全壳氢气风险的两种情况,结果表明开启/关闭安全壳水冷功能在一定程度上缓解了安全壳的超压风险和氢气风险,可为严重事故管理导则的具体实施提供技术支持。 Sanmen nuclear power plant is the first third-generation plant based on passive design. Assessment of hydrogen risk under containment severe challenge status (SCST) according to Sanmen severe accident management guidelines (SAMG) in operation is needed. Plant model including the primary system, containment and engineered safety features is built with integration accident analysis code. An accident sequence induced by 2 inch break at hot leg combined with engineered safety features unavailable is studied, which generates over 100% active core Zr oxidation hydrogen generation. Due to the failure of containment water cooling, inert containment environment occurs, resulting in coexistence of containment overpressure challenge and hydrogen challenge, known as containment severe challenge status. The comparison of only operating severe challenge guideline-2 (SCG-2) andoperating SCG-2 and SCC3 based on SAMG is investigated. The result shows that the preferred means to start or shut off containment water cooling system based on SCG-2 and SCG-3 can mitigate the containment overpressure challenge and hydrogen risk.
作者 袁嘉琪 唐钢
出处 《核科学与工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期505-510,共6页 Nuclear Science and Engineering
关键词 安全壳惰化环境 严重事故管理 氢气风险 安全壳超压 inert containment environment severe accident management hydrogen risk containment overpressure
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