
CASIA SS-1000 OCT与A超测量角膜厚度的重复性及一致性 被引量:3

Repeatability, reproducibility and agreement when measuring central corneal SS-1000 swept-source optical coherence tomography and ultrasound pachymetry
摘要 目的评估CASIASS-1000新型扫频OCT(SS-1000OCT)测量正常人中央角膜厚度(CCT)的重复性,并与A型超声测厚仪结果进行比较,评估2种仪器的一致性。方法前瞻性研究。收集正常受检者62名,均由同一熟练操作者对受检者右眼进行测量,先采用非接触SS-1000OCT,再使用A超重复测量角膜厚度。组内标准系数(ICC)、Bland.Ahman及重复测量方差分析用于评估SS-1000OCT测量CCT的重复性;配对t检验及Bland.Altman用于评估SS.1000OCT与A超的一致性。结果SS.1000OCT重复3次测量CCT的ICC为0.999,第1次与第2欠、第1次与第3次及第2次与第3次的95%一致性区间分别为-2.4~1.8μm、-2.8~2.1μm、-2.8~2.7μm,重复测量方差分析进行两两比较显示差异无统计学意义。SS—1000OCT及A超测量CCT的均值分别为(534.38±24.52)μm和(538.40±25.36)μm,二者95%一致性区间为-12.6~4.5μm。结论SS.1000OCT测量CCT具有很好的重复性,与A型超声测厚仪具有高度的一致性,在临床工作中,可以考虑相互替代。 Objective To assess the repeatability of central corneal thickness (CCT) measurements in healthy eyes by comparing measurements obtained with an SS-1000 swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-1000 OCT) or by ultrasound pachymetry (USP); to evaluate the agreement between these two devices. Methods In this prospective study, CCT was recorded after consecutive measurements with SS-1000 OCT and then with USP by a single skilled operator in 62 right eyes of healthy subjects. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), Bland-Altman plots and repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to evaluate the repeatability of SS-1000 OCT. Paired t-tests and Bland-Ahman plots were used to evaluate the agreement between the two devices. Results The ICC of the SS-1000 OCT measurements was 0.999. Bland-Ahman plots showed excellent agreement between any two of the three measurements (95% limits of agreement were -2.4 to 1.8μm, -2.8 to 2.1μm, and -2.8 to 2.7 μm). There was no statistical significance found with repeated-measures ANOVA. The mean values of CCT obtained from the SS-1000 OCT and USP were 534.38±24.52 μm and 538.40±25.36μm, respectively. 95% limits of agreement were -12.6 to 4.5 μm for these two devices. Conclusion The SS-1000 OCT shows excellent repeatability of CCT measurements in healthy eyes. High agreement between CCT measurements suggests that SS-1000 OCT and USP can be used interchangeably in normal subjects.
出处 《中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2015年第10期604-608,共5页 Chinese Journal Of Optometry Ophthalmology And Visual Science
基金 浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2012KYB135) 浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y201223147) 温州市科技局资助项目(Y20130118,Y20120176) 温州市重点创新团队项目(C20120009-04)
关键词 体层摄影术 光学相干 超声检查 A型 中央角膜厚度 可重复性 结果 一致性 Tomography,optical coherence Ultrasonography,A Central corneal thickness Reproducibility of result Agreement
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