
利用河南-海南两地三季生态差异鉴定玉米品种丰产稳产性 被引量:3

The Identification of High-Stable Yield Maize Varieties Using the Henan-Hainan Ecological Difference in Three Growing Season
摘要 【目的】为了加快高产稳产广适性玉米杂交种的筛选鉴定。【方法】在河南郑州-海南三亚设置6种鉴定试验环境,于2011—2012年对11个玉米新品种(组合)进行3个生产周期的试验研究,通过与2011年河南9个试验点鉴定试验结果的对比,研究了两地生态环境条件的差异以及两地三季玉米主要性状的生态稳定性和相关性。【结果】河南-海南两地生态环境条件差异较大,与河南相比,玉米生长期间海南一期和海南二期光照时数较河南分别增加2.69%和11.17%,平均温度分别增加-0.39%和11.02%,降雨量分别减少15.49%和8.15%。两地的能量来源河南以短波辐射为主,海南一期、海南二期以长波辐射为主。11个品种(组合)生育期海南一期、海南二期平均分别较河南延长5.7 d和缩短7.02 d。玉米主要性状在两地的表现存在一定的相关关系。利用海南的自然条件可对品种的生育期、株高、穗粗、秃尖长、穗行数、雄穗分枝、穗位叶长和基部第三茎节长进行有效鉴定,且除出籽率之外,在海南二期选择更有效。对穗位高、穗长、行粒数、穗粒数、千粒重、产量、茎节数、穗位叶宽、基部第三节茎粗等的选择标准应适当放宽,选择应以河南为主。青枯病、锈病适合在海南鉴定,叶斑病、粗缩病适合在河南鉴定。鉴定结果河南-海南两地表现一致。6种鉴定试验环境中,河南适宜密度、海南二期旱瘠处理鉴定效果最好,兼具较强的鉴别力和较好的代表性,海南二期正常管理和海南一期正常管理次之,河南高密度和海南一期旱瘠处理适合淘汰稳定性差的品种。不同品种产量在各鉴定环境条件下表现差异较大。仅仅利用一种生态环境或者任意一种鉴定环境都不能对品种的综合性能进行很好地评价。【结论】在海南对玉米新品种(组合)部分性状的选择是有效的,利用河南-海南一年两地三季相结合的方法 【Objective】In order to speed up the screening identification of a high-stable yield and eurytopicity maize hybrid.【Method】This experiment was conducted for three production seasons, using 11 maize varieties(combinations) under 6 kinds of evaluation environments of two ecological regions in Zhengzhou of Henan Province(Henan) and Sanya of Hainan Province(Hainan) during 2011-2012. Through comparisons with the evaluation results of these corn varieties(combinations) in 2011 in nine cities of Henan Province, we analyzed the difference between the two ecological environment conditions to examine the correlation and stability of yield and main agronomic characteristics between them.【Result】These results indicated that the ecological environments were appreciably different between Henan and Hainan, compared with Henan, lighting hours of phases Ⅰ and Ⅱ of Hainan increased by 2.69% and 11.17%, respectively. The average temperature increase was-0.39% and 11.02%, while the rainfall decreased by 15.49% and 8.15% respectively of the maize growth period. The sources of energy in Henan gave priority to shortwave radiation, with phases Ⅰ and Ⅱ in Hainan mainly being longwave radiation. The growth period of phases Ⅰ and Ⅱ in Hainan was shortened by 5.7 days and 7.02 days respectively more than in Henan, yet the main maize agronomic characters in the two places had certain correlations. It could be effective to use the natural environmental conditions of Hainan to identify the growth period duration, plant height, ear diameter, bare tip length, ear rows, numbers of tassel branch, ear-leaf length, and basal third eustipes length of varieties, it is more effective to select in phase Ⅱ of Hainan except the kernel rate. It was appropriate to identify the ear position height, spike length, grain numbers per spike, grain numbers per ear, thousand seed weight, yield, the number of internodes, the ear leaf width, and the base of the third quarter stem diameter. It was appropriate to identify the ba
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第20期4042-4055,共14页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-02-19) 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203100)
关键词 玉米 新品种(组合) 稳产性 广适性 生态环境 评价方法 河南 海南 maize new variety(combinations) yield stability eurytopicity ecological environment evaluation methodology Henan Hainan
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