
智能云电视公共安全服务平台建设 被引量:1

Building a public security service platform for Smart cloud TV
摘要 随着三网融合的推进,智能电视行业得到了迅猛发展,云电视是智能电视发展到目前的高级阶段,更强调电视终端作为平台入口及其与海量云服务资源的平滑对接,这势必将引发电视生态系统在硬件平台、操作系统、软件应用、网络云服务等多层面的信息安全问题.本文针对"行业内尚无统一有效的安全治理支撑手段"、"多源资源整合带来的内容安全问题"以及"云电视系统的开放性所引发的用户数据隐私保护威胁"的现状,构建了"智能云电视公共安全服务平台"——主要包括证书认证服务子系统、终端安全代理子系统、安全监测中心子系统以及安全测评服务子系统.该平台的建设,将提供行业级的可管控的产业生态和可信的商业环境. With the development of tri-networks, there has been a growing trend in the Smart TV industry. In particular, cloud TV has reached its highest level with widespread cloud service access. However, this has raised important security issues pertaining to Smart TV ecosystems including hardware platforms, operating systems,software applications, cloud services, etc. In this paper, we propose a Smart cloud TV public security service platform to address the lack of unified security management in the Smart TV industry. Our platform solves the content security problem when unifying resources from different parties and protects user privacy at the same time. Our platform has four implemented sub-systems, including a digital certificate authentication system, device security agent system, security monitor system, and security measurement system. Evaluation shows that our platform can provide a cutting-edge Smart TV ecosystem as well as a trusted business environment.
出处 《中国科学:信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1289-1309,共21页 Scientia Sinica(Informationis)
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61202476) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(批准号:XDA06040502 XDA06010701)资助项目
关键词 智能云电视 安全 公共服务平台 设备证书激活 安全代理 安全评测 Smart cloud TV security public service platform device certificate activation secure agent secure assessments
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