随着曲靖500 MHz非相干散射雷达的初步建成并投入使用,利用其开展雷达天文学的研究成为可能。基于雷达方程,假定曲靖雷达发射信号,分析了现有昆明40 m天线、密云50 m天线和贵州500 m射电望远镜作为接收器接收回波信号,构建潜在雷达网进行天文测量的能力,报道了探测空间碎片的初步成果,探讨了我国开展地基雷达观测近地小行星的设想。最后呼吁我国开展地基雷达和VLBI联合进行太阳系天体探测,开拓深空领域。
In the Qujing city of the Yunnan province, China, an incoherent scatter radar working in the 500MHz band has been built to conduct research on the ionosphere.This ground-based radar can boost the development of radar astronomy in China.By taking advantage of the powerful transmitter of this radar and existing large radio telescopes in China, it is possible to construct a multi-station radar network optimized for detecting space debris and Near Earth Objects ( NEOs) .The radio telescopes are to receive radio-wave echoes from space debris or NEOs, with the echoed waves originally emitted by the radar in Qujing.The radio telescopes include the Kunming 40m, Miyun 50m, and Guizhou FAST ( 500m) telescopes.In this paper we give the result of a preliminary detection of space debris using the radar and briefly describe the potential capabilities of the proposed radar network in monitoring the space environment.We call for a wide range of studies of solar-system objects using Chinese ground-based radars and the VLBI method, which should enhance Chinese deep-space exploration capability and open new frontiers in space science.
Astronomical Research & Technology
A potential radar network
Space debris
Near Earth Objects (NEOs)