
介入域外海洋事务:欧盟海洋战略转型 被引量:20

Engagement in Extra-Territorial Maritime Affairs:Transformation of the European Union's Maritime Strategy
摘要 欧盟是《联合国海洋法公约》唯一的国际组织缔约方,但是,它只在成员国让渡的有限领域享有海洋事务的专属权能和共享权能,凭以维护和拓展自身海洋权益的手段和工具有限。因此,2007年以来,欧盟启动了海洋战略转型进程,推行积极介入域外海洋事务的基本政策。欧盟海洋战略转型的最终目标是促进它在国际海洋事务中的领导作用、提升它在海洋治理中的国际地位,进而扩大它"作为一个全球行为体"在国际体系中的政治影响力。欧盟精心选择了国家管辖范围外海域生物多样性议题、北极事务和东亚海洋事务作为其介入域外海洋事务的优先事项。这三大事项体现了欧盟海洋战略转型的三个不同维度,它们在欧盟议程中的地位以及欧盟在不同事项上的行动强度,与它们和欧盟利益的紧密程度存在正相关关系。欧盟在这三大优先事项上紧紧围绕战略转型目标开展工作,已经初步展示设定国际海洋事务议程的能力。欧盟在海洋战略转型方面的努力,为评估它在国际体系中的地位和角色提供了新的视角。 The European Union(EU) is the only international organization which ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea so far.It enjoys the exclusive and shared competences of maritime affairs,however,in the limited fields in which its Member States have transferred their related competences to the EU,and accordingly,to protect and expand its maritime rights and interests.Therefore,the EU initiated the process of the transformation of its maritime strategy in 2007,and has carried out the basic policy of proactive engagement in extra-territorial maritime affairs since then.The final objectives of this transformation are to promote the EU's leading role in international maritime affairs,upgrade its position in international maritime governance and accordingly,expand its political clout in international system since the EU regards itself as a global actor.This article takes three priorities chosen by the EU to engage in extra-territorial maritime affairs currently,e.g.the issue of the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction,arctic affairs and East Asian maritime affairs,which demonstrate three dimensions of the transformation.The study reveals that their positions of these three priorities on the EU's agenda and the EU's action intensities on different affairs are of positive correlation with the EU's interests,and the EU has made progress in these areas and preliminarily showed its ability to set international maritime affairs agenda to date.The EU's efforts on transforming its maritime strategy may offer a new perspective to assess its position and role in international system.
作者 刘衡
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期60-82,157-158,共23页 World Economics and Politics
基金 中国海洋发展研究中心青年项目"欧盟的国际海洋法实践及其新进展研究"(项目编号:AOCQN201323) 中国社会科学院欧洲研究所2015年创新工程项目"欧盟法治的观念 演进与影响"的阶段性成果
关键词 欧盟 海洋权益 海洋战略转型 国际海洋治理 海洋新秩序 European Union maritime rights and interests transformation of maritime strategy international maritime governance new order for the seas and oceans
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