随着汽车电子技术的发展,ECU的功能越来越多,它们之间需要相互传递的信息量也逐渐增大。XCP协议的高效性、稳定性和移植性恰好能满足其传输需求。此外CAN总线仍在汽车总线领域占有不可动摇的地位。文章介绍了XCP on CAN的主要协议内容,并且研究其在CAN总线上的寻址工作原理。
With the development of automotive electronic technology, ECU has more and more functions. Therefore the amount of information, which is passed between different ECU, is gradually increased. The efficiency, the stability and the portability of XCP Protocol just can meet their transport needs. Additionally CAN Bus still dominates the automotive bus. This article describes the main contents of XCP on CAN Protocol, and research the principle of its addressing.
Information & Communications