以‘黄花水仙2号’和‘金盏银台’为材料,水仙各自花瓣的c DNA为模板,采用RT-PCR和RACE技术克隆出2个HDS基因,分别命名为Nt HDSY和Nt HDSJ,测序结果表明,Nt HDSY和Nt HDSJ基因全长分别为2 592 bp和2 599 bp,2个基因均含有1个2 178 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),编码745个氨基酸。同源性分析表明,黄花水仙2号与金盏银台、铁皮石斛、长春花、大豆、葡萄和苹果的相似系数分别为:97.77%、79.29%、75.29%、75.51%、75.02%和74.40%。Real-time PCR分析表明:Nt HDS基因在花瓣和副冠内的表达量在开花过程的花蕾期与盛花期存在明显差异,推测该基因可能与多花水仙香气物质的合成有关。
HDS is one of the important enzymes in the pathway of plant MEP. In this study, Huanghua Ⅱ and Jinzhanyintai were used as the experimental materials.The specific primers were designed according to the cloned HDS gene fragment and EST sequences. Two genes, named Nt HDSY and Nt HDSJ, were isolated from N. tazetta var by RACE and RT-PCR, and the fragments was about 2 592 and 2 599 bp, respectively. The open reading frame was 2 178 bp, encoding a polypeptide of 745 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed that the amino acid sequence of Huanghua Ⅱ shared 97.77%, 79.29%, 75.29%, 75.51%, 75.02% and 74.40% homologous with Jinzhanyintai, Dendrobium officinale, Catharanthus roseus, Glycine max, Vitis vinifera and Malus domestica,respectively. The real time RT-PCR showed that the transcription expression of HDS gene changed accordingly during flower blooming and flower organs, indicating that the possible role of HDS gene in the synthesis of aroma substances.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops