
青岛市烟草零售点密度及公共场所控烟信息环境现状调查 被引量:5

Density of tobacco retail outlets and tobacco control-related information environment in public places in Qingdao city,China
摘要 目的了解山东省青岛市社区周边烟草零售点密度及主要公共场所吸烟相关的信息环境,为青岛市实施公共场所全面禁烟提供基础数据。方法采用分层系统随机抽样方法对在青岛市市南区、市北区、四方区和李沧区4个中心城区抽取的27个社区周边932个烟草零售点和2 339个主要公共场所(1 568个餐馆、63家医院/社区卫生服务中心、142所学校、340个健身场所和226个路段)进行场所位置定位和控烟相关信息环境的调查。结果青岛市城区平均烟草零售点密度为5.7个/1 000人;932个烟草零售点中,63.9%的零售点有明显的"此处售烟"标识,有4.1%的零售点张贴了"禁止向未成年人售烟"的标识,零售点烟草促销广告与吸烟警示标识的比例为142:1;青岛市调查的餐馆、医院和学校中,仅1.1%的公共场所为无烟单位;有2.8%的公共场所张贴了"禁止吸烟"的标识,有1.4%的公共场所发现烟草促销广告,未发现"吸烟有害健康"等健康警示标识的公共场所。结论青岛市城区烟草零售点密度较高,烟草促销广告普遍存在,且公共场所吸烟警示信息缺乏,控烟支持性信息环境亟需改善。 Objective To examine the density of tobacco retail outlets around communities and to describe the information environment regarding tobacco use in public places of Qingdao city. Methods We investigated the location of 932 tobacco retail outlets and information environment related to tobacco use in 2 339 public places( 1 568 restaurants ,63 hospitals, 142 schools,340 exercise places, and 226 roads)around 27 communities randomly selected from four districts ( Shi' nan, Shibei, Sifang, and Licang) of Qingclao city. Results The tobacco outlets density was 5.7 per 1 000 residents. Among the 932 tobacco retail outlets ,63.9% had reminding mark of "Selling cigarettes here" outside the store, 4. 1% showed the mark of "No sales to minors". The ratio of negative information ( tobacco advertisements) to positive information( warning message)was 142:1. Among all the public places surveyed, only 1. 1% were smoking-free units where smoking being forbidden absolutely and 2. 8% posted the mark of "No smoking" ,but l. 4% presented tobacco advertisements and no warning massages such as "Smoking is harmful to health" were found. Conclusion The density of tobacco outlets is high and information environment in public places is not conducive for tobacco control in Qingdao city and governmental agencies should pay more attentions to improve the situation.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1248-1250,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 卫生行业科研专项项目(201002007)
关键词 烟草零售点 密度 公共场所 控烟信息环境 tobacco retail outlet density public place tobacco control-related information environment
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