
无线传感器网络的三层结构生存分析 被引量:1

Three-Layer Survivability Analysis Architecture for WSN
摘要 论文主要将生存分析引入无线传感器网络中节点,乃至整个网络的寿命分析中。该文将该网络分析分成三层:战术层、战略层、执行层,并分别完成对生存分析建模、利用已建模的生存函数进行网络分析、对网络状态进行验证。 The survival analysis is applied to the research on the life of wireless sensor network. The architecture will be divided into three layers: the tactical layer, the strategic layer and the operational layer, which are aimed at survival analy- sis modeling, network analysis with the survival function, and judgment on the network state respectively.
作者 刘江涛
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2015年第9期1644-1646,1715,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 生存分析 无线传感器网络 拜占庭将军问题 生存函数 survivability analysis, WSN, Byzantine General Problem, survival function
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