

The elimination of poverty in affluent societies:Galbraith' s Exploration and Inspiration
摘要 贫困表现为人的基本需要得不到满足,"富裕社会"中的贫困表现为私人生产、物质生产的过剩和公共生产、精神生产的不足。加尔布雷思认为,美国"富裕社会"中贫困的原因是不平衡的"二元经济体系",只要实行"新社会主义",实现"计划体系"和"市场体系"的平衡,就能解决"富裕"背后的贫困问题。由于这一设想是以不改变资本主义的经济基础为前提的,所以,只能是一种治标不治本的改良。只有扬弃经济学的"传统智慧",建构以促进"每个人的自由发展"为目标的"全面生产"经济学,才能从根本上消除"富裕社会"中的贫困问题。 Poverty is that the basic need of people can not meet.The poverty of“affluent society” is mainly the surplus of private production and material production and the shortage of public production and spirit production .“Total production” refers to meeting the comprehensive needs of people production.According to Galbraith’ s “affluent society” theory, unbalanced “dual economy” is the main cause of the poverty.Implementing the “new socialism” and constructing “balance” Economics is the main solution to the poverty.The precondition of his measures is not to change the economic foundations of capitalism , which determines that it can only be a palliative improvement.Only by abandoning the “traditional wisdom” of economics, establishing “total production” economics to promote “people’ s all-round development”, can we eliminate the poverty problem in the “affluent society”.
作者 张士引
出处 《北方论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期141-147,共7页 The Northern Forum
基金 上海财经大学研究生创新基金项目"自由个性之路--基于劳动异化 物化及其扬弃的视角"(CXJJ-2014-428)
关键词 富裕社会 贫困 二元经济体系 新社会主义 “全面生产” 经济学 affluent society poverty dual economy new socialism “total production” economics
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