
中医治疗失眠医案用药方剂计量学分析 被引量:17

Metrology analysis on prescriptions and drugs in medical records of insomnia treatment
摘要 目的:探讨中医治疗失眠的方药运用规律。方法:选取中医治疗失眠文献所载典型医案之临证处方,运用方剂计量学方法进行用药频数、性味归经分析、高频用药同用度聚类分析和常用安神成方运用纯真度指数分析。结果:统计205例医案共得265首失眠临证处方,共用药234种,用药频数最高者为甘草、酸枣仁、茯苓等;全部用药中平温性,甘苦辛味,归心肝脾经者较多;高频用药聚类分析提示,半夏、黄连、茯苓和生地黄、丹参、当归、川芎为两组同用度最高之药物组合,而半夏与黄连、白术与龙骨、柴胡与白芍、远志与伏神、丹参与生地黄、当归与川芎等则为屡用之配伍药对;温胆汤运用纯度(0.206)最高,天王补心丹运用真度(0.483)最高,温胆汤运用纯真度(0.072)最高,天王补心丹(0.066)第二,提示两方为治疗失眠最常用方剂。结论:文章以方剂计量学方法通过分析既往文献总结诸多医家治疗失眠用药经验,足可为本病治疗提供有效参考,亦可成为其他疾病辨证论治经验研究之借鉴。 Objective: To study the application rules of prescriptions for treating insomnia. Methods: Prescriptions recorded in representative medical records listed in the literatures of treating insomnia with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) were selected, and the frequency of drug use, nature and flavor and channel tropism were analyzed by using clustering analysis. Common tranquillizing prescriptions were analyzed by using pure index analysis. Results: 205 medical records, 265 prescriptions and 234 drugs were analyzed. The drugs with the highest frequency of usage were liquorice root, spine date seed, Indian bread and so on. The four natures of all the drugs were plain and warm, the five flavours of all the drugs were sweet, pungent and bitter, and the channel tropism of all the drugs gave priority to heart, liver and spleen. The results of clustering analysis of drugs with high frequency of usage showed that the drug combinations with high frequency of usage were combination of pinellia tuber, golden thread and Indian bread and combination of unprocessed rehmannia root, danshen root, Chinese angelica and sichuan lovage rhizome. The pair of drugs with high frequency of usage were pinellia tube and golden thread, largehead atractylodes rhizome and bone fossil of big mammals, Chinese thorowax rootand debark peony root, milkwort root and poria with hostwood, danshen root and unprocessed rehmannia root, Chinese angelica and sichuan lovage rhizome and so on. The formula with highest purity of usage was Wendan decoction (0.206), the formula with the highest truth degree of usage was Tianwang Buxin Dan (0.483), and the formula with the highest purity and truth degree of usage was Wendan decoction (0.072) and followed by Tianwang Buxin Dan (0.066). The above result showed that the common formulas forinsomnia treatment were Wendan decoction and Tianwang Buxin Dan. Conclusion: This paper analyzes many doctors' experience in insomnia treatment by using prescription metrology method, in order to prov
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期3257-3259,共3页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.30660219)~~
关键词 失眠 用药规律 同用度聚类 纯真度指数 方剂计量学 Insomnia Application rules of prescriptions Clustering analysis Indexpurity and truth degree Prescription metrology
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