The Xinjie Site was a settlement located at the Wei River Valley and the loess terrace of the Ba River's east bank. This site was lasted from Late Yangshao period to Early Longshan period, and the remains in Late Yangshao period were the dominant ones. Systemic flotation work was carried out in the Xinjie Site, which showed abundant charred botanical material in terms of charred wooden fragments and seeds. The seeds composed of six kinds' crops, including Setaria italica,Panicum miliaceum, Oryza sativa, Triticum aestivum, Glycine max and Cannabis sativa,and other known weeds involving Setaria viridis,Avena fatua,Glycine soja,Lespedeza bicolor,Melilotus suaveolens,Chenopodium album,Polygonum lapathifolium,PotentiUa chinensis,Cyperus difformis, Arisaema erubescens,Amethystea caerulea etc. Among the crops excavated in the Xinjie Site,Setaria italica, Panicum miliaceum and Oryza sativa are the three richest ones both in the number of Absolute Counts and Ubiquity,while Setaria italica is the leading crop of the three ones. The composition of these crops shows the characteristic agricultural mode in the region where the dominant crops are millets and rice. Some Triticum aestivum and Glycine max were also been found. Through the analysis of weeds' composition,we could find that the dry-land weeds represented by Setaria viridis and Chenopodium album are much more than the wet-land weeds,like Glycine soja and Cyperus difformis,which may associate with the large-scale cultivation of Setaria italica,or might reflect certain high level of field management of Oryza sativa.
Cultural Relics in Southern China
Plant Remains, Flotation, Crops, Mixed Farming with millets and rice