
战后70年日本科技发展的轨迹与特点日本研究所 被引量:9

The Development of Japanese Science and Technology in the Post-war Era:The Trajectory and Characteristics
摘要 战后日本科技的迅速发展,在本质上就是以战后科技革命发源地——美国为靠山,紧紧抓住科技革命机遇的结果,而坚持以民生为主的科技发展显然有利于日本抓住战后科技革命机遇。战后日本实施了比任何"技术引进国"都成功的技术引进,推动了日本经济的高速增长。民间企业是日本科技发展的主力,"匠人精神"是日本科技发展的源泉。"小发明"不断,"中发明"贫乏,"大发明"趋零是战后日本科技发展的主要特征。追赶、被追赶、再追赶是战后日本科技发展的基本路径。军民两用高技术的发展,使日本科技实力成为冷战期及冷战后国际安全战略格局的重要砝码。废弃"武器出口三原则"释放了长期处于"低调"状态的日本军工产业及其技术发展的巨大潜力。 The development of Japanese science and technology in the post - war era is the result of seizing the opportunity of the scientific and technological revolution with the support of the U.S. , the birthplace of the revolution. The policy to ensure the scientific and technological development to serve the goal of social welfare has helped Japan make better use of the chance, promoting the technology imports and the rapid economic growth in a successful way. Japanese private enterprises are the major force in the development, with the spirit of craftsmanship as the fountainhead of the innovation. As for the characteristics of Japanese science and technology in the post - war era, with the catch - up model, there has been numerous minor inventions, less medium - size inventions and major inventions in Japan. The development of civil - military dual use technology has enlarged the role of Japanese technological capability in international security strategic structure. The abolition of the three principles that prohibit arms exports has released the potential of Japanese military industry and technology.
作者 冯昭奎
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《日本学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期76-97,共22页 Japanese Studies
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