
企业价值观管理体系的构建及其作用机制——基于A.O.史密斯公司的案例研究 被引量:7

Construction of Enterprise Value Management System and Exploration of the Mechanism of the System——Case Study Based on A.O.Smith
摘要 运用探索性单案例研究的方法,以A.O.史密斯公司为研究对象,旨在构建企业的价值观管理体系并解释其作用机理。研究结果发现,企业的价值观管理体系主要由CEO及各级领导的示范、要求、反复教导,以"价值观"为主线的耦合对接的人力资源管理实践和内部监督机制三大板块构成,并在总体上呈现出自上而下、逐级外推的涓滴效应。此外,价值观管理体系的主要管理实践通过社会角色、从众,服从和说服等社会影响机制实现员工与组织的价值观一致性。研究成果能为企业界进行有效的价值观管理实践提供系统指导。 In this study,we take A. O. Smith as the subject and use single exploratory case study to construct an enterprise value management system and explain the mechanism of the system. The study finds that the enterprise value management system mainly consists of three parts. Specifically, they are demonstration, requirement and repeated teaching of the CEO and leaders at all levels, coupling human resource practices around values and internal oversight mechanism. The system runs mainly according to the trickle-down model. In addition, the main management practices of the system achieve the goal of value congruence through social influence, such as social roles, conformity, obedience and persuasion. The results provide a systematic guidance for enterprises to conduct effective value management.
作者 刘鑫 杨东涛
机构地区 南京大学商学院
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期1273-1285,共13页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71372027)
关键词 价值观一致性 价值观管理 社会影响 案例研究 value congruence value management social influence case study
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