
后《京都议定书》时代的国际气候谈判:制约因素与协同合作 被引量:2

The International Climate Negotiation Post Kyoto Protocol:Restrictions and Coordination
摘要 达成有约束力的国际气候协议是后《京都议定书》时代的重要内容,近些年国际社会的努力大多以失败而告终,主要原因是发达国家和发展中国家两大阵营存在难以逾越的鸿沟,具体表现为对"共同但有区别的责任"原则存在不同解释,技术创新和转移存在困难,资金支持数额存在分歧,对失去竞争优势存在忧虑等。通过"可衡量、可报告和可核实"(MRV)方案,制订环境商品和服务清单、促进技术转移,优化资金支持机制,重新修订竞争策略等针对性措施,以协同合作化解发达国家与发展中国家在气候谈判中的分歧。中国必须在经济增长和应对气候变暖之间保持平衡,既要维护既有利益,又要在国际气候谈判中争取更多的话语权。 One important issue at the post "Kyoto Protocol"era is reaching binding international climate agreement. The international community's efforts in recent years mostly ended in failure,largely due to the existing insurmountable divide between developed and developing countries. The divide lies in specific aspects of different interpretation of "common but differentiated responsibilities"principle,difficulties in technological innovation and transfer,disputes in financial support,and concerns about loss of competitive advantages etc.. It is hoped for,through MRV program,the development of environmental list of goods and services,promotion of technology transfer,optimization of financial support mechanisms,and revision of targeted measures such as competitive strategies,to resolve the differences between developed and developing countries in the climate negotiations. China must maintain a balance between economic growth and addressing climate warming,in that it should safeguard its own interests while striving for more voices in the international climate negotiations.
作者 王苏春
出处 《阅江学刊》 2015年第4期27-33,共7页 Yuejiang Academic Journal
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目"国际气候谈判的制约因素与协商机制研究"(12ZZD009)
关键词 后《京都议定书》时代 《巴厘岛行动计划》 国际气候谈判 技术转移与资金支持 “共同但有区别的责任”原则 Post "Kyoto Protocol"era "Bali Action Plan" the international climate negotiations technology transfer and financial support "Common but differentiated responsibilities"principle
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