

Anomaly detection analysis on routine blood indicators of workers exposed to different concentrations of carbon disulfide
摘要 目的通过分析二硫化碳(CS2)接触对作业工人血常规各指标的影响,提出职业健康监护行动水平的建议。方法收集某化纤厂2004—2011年间工作场所空气中CS2浓度或作业工人个体接触CS2浓度的检测资料,并对3 423名接触CS2的作业工人血常规指标的检查结果进行统计分析。结果作业工人接触CS2的8h时间加权平均浓度为0.2~41.0mg/m3,几何均数为2.38mg/m3。其中1 752名作业工人接触CS2的浓度为0.2~2.5mg/m3(≤2.5mg/m3为A组);638名作业工人接触CS2的浓度为2.6~4.8mg/m3(〉2.5mg/m3并≤5mg/m3为B组);1 033名作业工人接触CS2的浓度为5.1~41.0mg/m3(〉5mg/m3为C组)。男性红细胞异常率C组高于A、B两组,血红蛋白异常率随CS2浓度的增高而增高,红细胞和血红蛋白异常率在A、C两组之间及B、C两组之间比较,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);女性血常规各指标异常率随CS2浓度的变化无明显规律,各浓度组之间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);≤25岁年龄段血红蛋白异常率随CS2浓度的增高而增高,且在A、C两组之间比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);≤5a工龄段红细胞和血红蛋白异常率均随CS2浓度的升高而升高,且红细胞异常率A、C两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);血红蛋白异常率A、C两组及B、C两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论建议在对CS2作业工人进行职业健康监护时,执行CS2浓度为2.5mg/m3的行动水平。 Objective To study the effects of carbon disulfide on routine blood indicators of workers,and make recommendations for action level of occupational health surveillance.Methods The concentration of carbon disulfide was collected in the workplace or the exposed workers of a chemical fiber industry from 2004 to 2011,A total of 3423 workers exposed to carbon disulfide participated in the detection of the routine blood indicators.Chi- square test was used for statistical analysis.Results 8h time- weighted average concentration range of workers exposed to carbon disulfide in the chemical fiber industry was 0.2~41.0mg/m3,geometric mean was 2.38mg/m3.Exposure concentration of carbon disulfide in 1,752 workers was from 0.2mg/m3 to 2.5mg/m3(≤2.5 mg/m3,for Group A),638 workers was 2.6mg/m3~4.8mg/m3(5mg/m3,for Group B),other 1033 workers was from 5.1mg/m3 to 41.0mg/m3(5mg/m3,for Group C).For male,the abnormal rate of erythrocyte for group C was higher than group A and group B,the abnormal rate of hemoglobin increased with increasing concentrations of carbon disulfide.The difference of the abnormal rates for erythrocyte and hemoglobin between the group A and the group C or the group B and the group C was significant.For female,the difference of routine blood indicators was not statistically significant.For≤25 years group,the abnormal rate of hemoglobin increased with increasing concentrations of carbon disulfide,the difference between the group A and the group C was statistically significant.For≤5years length of service group,the abnormal rates of erythrocyte and hemoglobin increased with increasing concentrations of carbon disulfide,the difference of the abnormal rates for erythrocyte between the group A and the group C was statistically significant,the difference of the abnormal rates for hemoglobin between the group A and the group C or the group B and the group C was statistically significant.Conclusions The concentration of carbon disulfide was higher than 5mg/m3,the abnormal rates of erythrocyte and he
出处 《工业卫生与职业病》 CAS 2015年第5期325-329,共5页 Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases
基金 卫生部卫生行业科研专项项目(200902006)
关键词 二硫化碳 职业暴露 血常规指标 行动水平 Carbon disulfide Occupational exposure Routine blood indicators Action level
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