
扩散张量成像评价多系统萎缩患者幕下纤维束 被引量:2

Diffusion tensor imaging evaluation of infratentorial fasciculi in multiple system atrophy
摘要 目的探讨MR DTI参数对多系统萎缩(MSA)患者幕下区域病变的诊断价值。方法对8例临床诊断为MSA患者(MSA组)和10名正常人(对照组)分别行常规头MR和DTI扫描。测量双侧小脑中脚(MCP)宽度、脑桥前后径以及双侧小脑下脚(ICP)、小脑中脚(MCP)、小脑上脚(SCP)、脑干皮质脊髓束(CST)、交叉纤维(CF)、内侧丘系(ML)及小脑白质的ADC和FA值,并进行统计学分析。结果 MSA组双侧ICP、双侧MCP、双侧SCP、右侧ML及双侧小脑白质的FA值显著低于对照组;MSA组右侧ICP、双侧MCP、双侧SCP、CF、左侧ML及双侧小脑白质的ADC值显著高于对照组。MCP的ADC值、FA值与其萎缩程度有相关性;CST、CF、ML的ADC、FA值与脑桥萎缩程度有相关性。对照组、MSA组"十字征"阴性患者、阳性患者间ADC值、FA值差异有统计学意义。结论 DTI可活体无创评价MSA幕下区域脑组织病变,较常规MRI更敏感地发现结构异常。 Objective To assess the diagnostic value of MR DTI parameters in infratentorial regions of patients with multiple system atrophy(MSA).Methods Conventional MRI and DTI were performed in 8clinically proved MSA patients(MSA group)and 10 normal controls(control group).For quantitative assessment,the ADC and FA values of the width of bilateral middle cerebellar peduncle(MCP),the anteroposterior diameter of pontine,inferior cerebellar peduncle(ICP),middle cerebellar peduncle(MCP),superior cerebellar peduncle(SCP),brainstem corticospinal tract(CST),cross fiber(CF),the medial lemniscus(ML),the white matter of cerebral were measured and statistically analyzed.Results Compared with the control group,the FA values of MSA group in bilateral ICP,MCP,SCP,right ML and bilateral cerebellum significantly deceased;and the ADC values of MSA group in the right side of ICP,bilateral MCP,bilateral SCP,CF,the left ML and bilateral cerebellum significantly increased.ADC and FA values of MCP were correlated with its degree of atrophy;and the ADC and FA values of CST,CF,ML were correlated with the atrophy of pontine.The ADC and FA values among controls,MSA cross sign negative and positive patients were statistically significant.Conclusion DTI can noninvasively evaluate the infratentorial lesions of MSA patients,and DTI is more sensitive than conventional MRI to discover abnormal structure.
出处 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1312-1316,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
关键词 多系统萎缩 扩散磁共振成像 Multiple system atrophy Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
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