目的 建立2型糖尿病社区综合防治体系并评价其效果.方法 分层随机抽取北京市西城区金融街街道19个社区居民.通过适时、系统地进行糖尿病健康教育,普及糖尿病相关知识,指导合理用药和定期复查,倡导合理饮食和适量运动,鼓励糖尿病患者相互沟通,自我管理等干预措施对2型糖尿病进行综合防治.采用问卷和体格检查的方式比较在综合防治体系干预后1年糖尿病相关危险因素的变化.结果 共纳入1 498名居民.2型糖尿病社区综合防治体系干预后与干预前比较,研究人群锻炼频率明显上升[>5d/周:40.8% (611/1 498)比35.9% (538/1 498),2~3d/周:33.4% (500/1 498)比17.8%(266/1 498),≤1d/周:5.7% (85/1 498)比5.7%(85/1 498),不锻炼:20.2% (302/1 498)比40.7%(609/1 498)],饮食结构有所改善[荤素均衡:83.9%(1 257/1 498)比77.2%(1 156/1 498),荤食为主:4.7%(71/1 498)比8.4%(126/1 498),素食为主:9.0%(134/1 498)比10.8%(162/1 498),嗜盐、油或糖:2.4%(36/1 498)比3.6%(54/1 498)] (P <0.001);吸烟和饮酒人群占比无明显改变(P>0.05).2型糖尿病社区综合防治体系干预后与干预前比较,整体研究人群收缩压、空腹血糖、餐后2h血糖、糖化血红蛋白、三酰甘油、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇均明显下降,差异有统计学意义[(121±25)mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)比(127±27) mmHg,(5.1±0.7)mmol/L比(5.6±1.3) mmol/L,(6.7±2.3)mmol/L比(7.3 ± 3.1) mmol/L,(5.5±3.1)%比(5.7±3.9)%,(1.5±0.6) mmol/L比(2.1 ±0.9)mmol/L,(2.8±0.7)mmol/L比(3.1±1.1)mmol/L] (P <0.05),而心率、舒张压、体重指数、臀围、肌酐、总胆固醇和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇无明显变化(P>0.05).结论 建立2型糖尿病社区综合防治体系可以明显降低人群的糖尿病危险因素的水平,改善人群的生活习惯,是一种行之有效�
Objective To establish a comprehensive preventive and control system for type 2 diabetes in communities.effectiveness.Methods The residents of 19 communities in Jinrong street,Beijing were randomly selected.The comprehensive prevention and control of type 2 diabetes was performed through timely and systematical healthy education for diabetes,popularizing diabetic knowledge,guiding rational use of drugs,regular examination,reasonable diet and appropriate physical exercise,patient communication and self-management.The diabetic related risk factors were obtained from questionnaire and physical examination and compared before and after comprehensive prevention and control measures.Results Totally 1 498 residents were enrolled.After performing comprehensive prevention and control system for type 2 diabetes,the frequency of physical exercise was increased [〉5 d/week:40.8% (611/1 498) vs 35.9% (538/1 498),2-3 d/week:33.4% (500/1 498) vs 17.8% (266/1 498),≤1 d/week:5.7% (85/1 498) vs 5.7% (85/1 498),non-exercise:20.2% (302/ 1 498) vs 40.7% (609/1 498)] and the diet structure was also improved [well-balanced between vegetable and meat:83.9% (1 257/1 498) vs 77.2% (1 156/1 498),mainly meat:4.7% (71/1 498) vs 8.4% (126/ 1 498),mainly vegetable:9.0% (134/1 498) vs 10.8% (162/1 498),high salt,sugar and oil diet:2.4% (36/1 498) vs 3.6% (54/1 498)] (P 〈0.05) ; no changes on proportions of smoker and drinker were found (P 〉0.05).After this comprehensive prevention and control system for type 2 diabetes,the systolic pressure,fasting blood glucose,2 h postprandial blood glucose,hemoglobin A1 C,triglyceride and low density lipoprotein cholesterol were significantly reduced [(121 ± 25) mmHg vs (127 ± 27) mmHg,(5.1 ± 0.7) mmol/L vs (5.6±1.3) mmol/L,(6.7 ±2.3) mmol/L vs (7.3 ±3.1) mmol/L,(5.5 ±3.1)% vs (5.7 ±3.9)%,(1.5±0.6) mmol/Lvs (2.1 &
China Medicine
Community health services
Comprehensive preventive and control system