
情绪推理:一种独立于理性推理的推理形式 被引量:8

Emotional reasoning: one form of reasoning being independence of rational reasoning
摘要 情绪推理(Emotional Reasoning)是基于情绪体验而做出的主观性判断,它具有两面性:一方面它能完善人们的思维能力,尤其是理性推理难以发挥作用时更是如此,另一方面它又会因为缺乏客观依据而导致认知偏见。研究基于文献分析法、理论思辨法和德尔菲技术等方法,对国内外有关情绪推理的相关研究进行了综合梳理,结果发现,国内研究主要集中在基于逻辑推理范围内深入考察情绪对逻辑推理的影响,而国外更倾向于视情绪推理为一种独立于基于逻辑的理性推理而存在的推理形式。此外,研究还发现,情绪推理的发生机理是以一种与理性推理的累加式结构不同的乘方式结构而展开的。 Emotional reasoning means the judgment subjectively basing on the emotional experience,which has tow opposite aspects: on one hand,it can make human thoughts be perfect,specially,with the difficulty of rational reasoning. On the other hand,it may result in the cognitive bias because of lacking of objective evidence. Basing on the methods as literature analysis,theory analsis and Delphi technique,This research analyzing the relative literature at home and abroad shows that the researches,in China,are focusing on the effects that emotions interfere in reasoning process in the range of logical reasoning,while the ones are regarding the emotional reasoning as independence of rational reasoning which characterizes logical in west countries. And the emotional reasoning is going as the different way of it with 12= 1 from the way of rational reasoning with 1 + 1 = 2.
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第4期47-54,共8页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 留学基金委支助"国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目"(No.201206990057)
关键词 情绪推理 理性推理 情绪状态 情绪反应 emotional reasoning rational reasoning emotional state emotional response
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