
特应性皮炎与宁波市气传花粉的关系研究 被引量:4

Atopic dermatitis and its relationships with airborne pollen in Ningbo
摘要 目的:调查宁波地区主要气传花粉的种类、数量和播散规律,探讨宁波地区花粉过敏原与特应性皮炎临床症状变化的相关性。方法:(1)2012年1~12月在宁波选取四个采样点,通过曝片采集气传花粉,鉴定种属及计数。(2)对285例特应性皮炎患者进行常见的8种花粉变应原的皮肤点刺试验。(3)对285例特应性皮炎患者进行为期1年的临床症状变化回顾性调查,分析其与气传花粉飘散规律之间的相关性。结果:(1)全年采集到花粉41属,其中树木类花粉89.2%,草本植物花粉10.8%。(2)皮肤点刺试验结果显示:皮肤点刺试验阳性率最高的为蒿属(52.63%)、豚草(52.63%),其次为葎草(37.89%)、悬铃木属(37.89%)。(3)临床症状回顾性调查显示:单纯型与混合型AD的皮肤症状在春季花粉播散季节加重;混合型AD的过敏性鼻炎和哮喘症状在秋季更为明显。结论:本地花粉播散呈两个高峰,分别是3~5月和8~10月。前者主要是树木类花粉为主;后者主要是草本植物为主。气传花粉是引起宁波地区AD的重要原因。 Objective:To investigate the genus, quantities and regular pattern of pollen spreading in Ning-bo and to determine the correlation between the pollen allergens and clinical symptom of atopic dermatitis. Methods:( 1) The species of airborne pollen was collected from January to December 2012 in four locations in Ningbo using gravity sedimentation technique. ( 2) Skin prick test with 8 common kinds of pollen allergens was performed in 285 patients with atopic dermatitis. ( 3) The 285 patients were retrospectively followed for one year in order to determine the relationship between the clinical symptom and the spreading pattern of air-borne pollen. Results:(1) Forty-one pollen genus were collected, 89.2% of which was tree pollens and 10.8% was herb pollen. (2) Skin prick test of 285 patients showed the most common allergenic pollen were artemisia (52.63%), ragweed (52.63%) and the following were humulus scandens (37.89%) and platanus (37.89%). (3) The retrospective analysis of clinical symptoms showed the skin symptoms of AD were aggra-vated in the spring season and the allergic rhinitis and asthma symptoms were aggravated obviously in autumn. Conclusion:There were two peaks of pollen spreading ( from March to May and from August to October ) . Tree pollens was the most common pollens during the first peak and herbs pollens was the most common pol-lens during the second peak. The pollen plays an important role in the onset of AD in Ningbo.
出处 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2015年第8期455-458,共4页 China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
基金 宁波市科技局社发项目(编号:2011c50044)
关键词 气传花粉 特应性皮炎 宁波 airbrone pollen atopic dermatitis Ningbo
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