以山东省鲁山自然保护区为对象,对其植物资源状况进行调查,结果表明:区内主要维管植物有124科480属1 006种,其中:野生维管植物109科380属735种,裸子植物种类丰富;野生种子植物100科368属717种,具有典型的温带植物区系特点并具有一定的热带亲缘。国家Ⅰ级保护植物2种,Ⅱ级保护植物3种;列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》内的植物有3属3种;有4种植物被列入《中国珍惜濒危植物红皮书》;山东省特有植物7种,中国特有植物8种。针对保护区植物保护方面存在的问题提出了保护建议。
The plant resources condition whose research object was Lushan natural conservation area in Shandong province was investigated. The result showed that there were 124 families 480 genera 1 006 species main tracheophyte. Furthermore, there were 109 families 380 genera 735 species wild tracheophyte. The gymnosperm species were abundant. There were 100 families 368 genera 717 species wild spermatophyte. It had typical temperate zone flora characteristic and tropic relation- ship. There are 2 national level Ⅰ protection plants and 3 Ⅱ protection plants. There were 3 genera 3 species and 4 species plants which were enrolled in Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and Red Book of Chinese Rare and Endangered Plants, respectively. There were 7 species endemic plant of Shandong province and 8 species endemic plant of China. The protection suggestion which aimed at the existing problem of plant protection was raised.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology
Lushan natural conservation area
plant resources
investigation and analysis