作者对徂徕山植物资源进行了野外调查、采集 ,制作标本 30 0 0余份 ,经研究整理结果表明 :徂徕山是我省植物资源最丰富的地区之一 ,现有维管植物 789种 ,隶属于 12 8科 ,44 9属 ,其中木本植物 2 2 4种 ,占总数的 2 8 4% ,草本植物 5 6 5种 ,占总数的 71 6 % ;植物区系分析结果显示 ,徂徕山区系植物属于华北植物区系与华东植物区系的交汇区 ,但与华北植物区系更为密切 ;徂徕山果树、中草药、野生观赏植物、野生蔬菜及蜜源植物资源极为丰富 ,可进一步扩大种植面积 ,进行合理的、保护性的开发利用 ,以便更好地发挥这些植物资源的生态、经济及社会效益 ,为林场的持续。
More than 3 000 numbers of speciments of Plant resource collected from Zulai montain in last few years were classified and analysed systematically.The result showed that there are 789 species of plant which belong to 128 families and 449 genera in Zulai mountain.These include 224 species of woody plant,28.4 percent of total,and 565 species of herb,71.6 percent of total.The flora of Zulai mountain belongs to the northern China flora.The resources of fruits,medical,wied adornment,wild vegetable and nectar plant are very rich,which can be cultivated in more area in order to bring their economic,ecologic and social benefit into full play.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Natural Science)