目的研究复方甘草酸苷改善慢性乙型肝炎患者肝脏炎症的机制。方法将21例慢性乙型肝炎患者分为试验组(10例)与对照组(11例),试验组患者给予复方甘草酸苷200 mg入液静脉输注,同时给予苦参素注射液、还原型谷胱甘肽和多烯磷脂酰胆碱注射液保肝,恩替卡韦抗病毒治疗;对照组患者除不使用复方甘草酸苷外与治疗组治疗相同,疗程均为2周。分别在治疗前后检测患者肝功能指标及多个细胞因子水平。结果两组患者肝功能均有好转,试验组ALT水平[(103.4±80.4)U/L]下降显著(t=6.162,P=0.000);MCP-2治疗后[(40.25±14.51)pg/ml]较治疗前显著下降(t=2.381,P=0.041);ENA-78治疗后较治疗前升高(t=-3.561,P=0.006)。试验组和对照组IL-16、6Ckine、TPO、SCF、TSLP、IL-33、IL-20、IL-21、IL-23、IL-28α、TRAIL和SDF-1α+β治疗前后差异均无统计学意义。试验组和对照组IL-18治疗前后均有所下降。结论复方甘草酸苷可显著改善肝脏炎症,抗炎的机制可能与抑制炎症因子MCP-2,活化ENA-78有关。
Objective To study the mechanism of reduction inflammation of the liver in chronic hepatitis B patients treatment with compound glycyrrhizin. Methods Total of 21 patients with chronic hepatitis B were divided into treatment group (10 cases) and control group (11 cases). Patients in both groups were given entecavir tablets 0.5 mg once a day, combined with the regular liver protecting therapy, including matrine injection, reduced glutathione for injection and polyene phosphatidylcholine injection. Patients in treatment group were given compound glycyrrhizin solution at dose of 200 mg by intravenous infusion. Patients in both groups were treated for 2 weeks. The liver function and level of multiple cytokines of patients were tested before and after treatment, respectively. Results The liver function of the patients in two groups were signiifcantly improved. ALT levels [(103.4 ± 80.4) U/L] decreased signiifcantly in the treatment group (t=6.162, P=0.000);MCP-2 signiifcantly decreased after treatment [(40.25 ± 14.51) pg/ml] (t=2.381, P=0.041);ENA-78 also signiifcantly increased (t=-3.561, P=0.006). No signiifcant differences were found in the change of IL-16, 6Ckine, TPO, SCF, TSLP, IL-33, IL-20, IL-21, IL-23, IL-28α, TRAIL and SDF-1α+βin the two groups. The levels of IL-18 were decreased in two groups after treatment. Conclusions The liver inlfammation could be reduced by compound glycyrrhizin signiifcantly. The mechanism may be related with the suppression of MCP-2 or activation of ENA-78.
Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Infectious Diseases(Electronic Edition)