
“十三五”时期养老保险制度与劳动力市场的适应性 被引量:12

The Adaptability of the Old Age Insurance System and the Labor Market in the Five Thirteenth Year Planning Period
摘要 人口结构变化和经济增长放缓对于现收现付制的养老保险体系构成重大挑战,制度的可持续性、公平性与效率损失问题将在"十三五"期间凸显。养老保险体系暴露出的复杂问题既有体制转型不彻底的原因,也有经济发展不平衡的矛盾,亦有制度设计自身的缺陷。改革的顶层设计不能仅仅局限于制度体系内部调整,应该置于劳动力市场和整体经济框架之中。制度长期稳定运行始终要依靠持续的生产率提升和经济发展,改革方向是建立与劳动力市场相适应的养老保险体系,实现养老保障与经济增长的双赢。 Demographic transition and slowdown in economy growth bring a big challenge for pay-as-you-go old-age insurance system. Sustainability, equitability and efficiency loss of the system would be more and more severe during the 13th Five-year plan. The complex problems of the old-age insurance system due to incomplete institutional transition, imbalanced economic development, and also flaws of the system design. The top-level design of the system reform should not be limited to the internal adjustment of the system, but placed in the framework of the labor market and the whole economy. The long-term sustainable operation of the system always relies on continuous productivity improvement and economic development. The direction of the system reform is building an old-age insurance system compatible to labor market, to achieve a win-win situation between social security and economic growth.
作者 程杰 高文书
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期84-95,共12页 Reform
基金 国家自然科学"养老医疗保障对农村中老年人的劳动供给效应"(批准号:71103198) 国家自然科学基金NSFC-CGIAR项目"人口变化 城乡人口流动和中国的农业与农村发展"(批准号:713111025)
关键词 养老保险制度 劳动力市场 社会保障 the old age insurance system, labor market, social security
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