目的:揭示短时中等强度有氧运动对儿童静息状态下脑功能局部一致性的影响,为阐明体育运动与儿童脑的可塑性关系提供新证据。方法:利用静息态功能磁共振成像(resting-state functional MRI,rs-fMRI)技术和局部一致性(regional homogeneity,ReHo)分析方法探测一次30min的短时中等强度有氧运动前后儿童脑功能局部一致性的改变;使用Flanker任务测量运动前后儿童执行功能的变化。结果:1)一次30min的短时中等强度有氧运动使得儿童双侧后扣带回、左侧背外侧前额叶、左侧额内侧回、双侧中央后回、左侧枕下回、舌回、左侧颞中回和右侧颞上回的ReHo值增高。2)一次30min的短时中等强度有氧运动使得儿童执行功能提高。3)双侧后扣带回、双侧顶叶中央后回和左侧背外侧前额叶的ReHo增高与执行功能提高显著相关。结论:短时中等强度有氧运动可通过增加儿童静息状态下脑功能局部一致性,改善脑的可塑性和提高执行功能。
Objective :To investigate the effect of acute moderate exercise on the local synchroni‐zation of spontaneous brain activity in resting‐state ,and further explore the effect of acute moderate exercise on brain plasticity of children .Methods :Before and after a single 30‐min a‐cute moderate exercise ,10 right handed healthy children aged at 10 were scanned with a Simens MAGNETOM Trio 3 .0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging scanner in resting state ,which were instructed to remain still ,awake with their eyes closed ,as motionlessas possible and to think of nothing in particular ;Using regional homogeneity (ReHo ) to measure the local syn‐chronization of RS‐fMRI signals ,and then investigated the relationship between the changes of ReHo and the behavior improvement of executive function ,as evaluated by the reaction time in a Flanker task .Results :1 )a single 30‐min acute moderate exercise could reorganize the chil‐dren’ regional homogeneity of spontaneous fluctuations in the blood oxygen level‐dependent (BOLD ) signals in the bilateral cingulate cortex ,the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ,left me‐dial frontal gyrus ,bilateral postcentral gyrus ,left inferior occipital gyrus ,left lingual gyrus ,left mid‐dle temporal gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus .2)The beneficial effect of acute moderate exer‐cise on children’s EF was significant .3)The increased ReHo in bilateral cingulate gyrus ,bilateral posterior central gyrus and left dorsal prefrontal cortex were correlated with the improvement of EF . Conclusion :The effect of a single acute moderate exercise on children’ brain plasticity and executive function may be related with the increased of ReHo in resting state .
China Sport Science