研究不同保鲜处理对冰鲜鸡品质的影响,评价各保鲜处理的保鲜效果。采用0.25 g/L金银花提取物浸泡+70%N2+30%CO2托盘包装、0.05 g/L乳酸链球菌素+70%N2+30%CO2托盘包装、0.25 g/L金银花提取物+0.05 g/L乳酸链球菌素+70%N2+30%CO2托盘包装、0.25 g/L金银花提取物+0.05 g/L乳酸链球菌素聚氯乙烯包装四种保鲜方式,贮藏于4℃±1℃冻库,每2 d测定鸡肉的色泽、p H、嫩度、加压失水率、蒸煮损失率、酸价、挥发性盐基氮、菌落总数分析不同保鲜处理对鸡肉品质的影响。结果表明,四种保鲜处理的理化品质和微生物品质有较大差异,通过与国标GB 16869—2005的对比,乳酸链球菌+气调处理和金银花提取物+气调处理均可延长冰鲜鸡肉在4℃下的贮藏期,贮藏期从4 d延长至8 d。但金银花提取物和乳酸链球菌在共同处理过程中对蛋白质、脂肪和微生物均无协同作用。气调包装有利于冰鲜鸡肉的保鲜。
The effects of different preservatives method on the quality of chilled chicken were reported. There were four preservatives methods for chilled chicken: the first one, soaking in the 0.25 g/L honeysuckle extract and 70% N2+30% CO2 modified atmosphere packaged in trays; The second one, soaking in the 0.05 g/L nisin and 70% N2+30% CO2 modified atmosphere packaged in trays; The third one, soaking in the 0.25 g/L honeysuckle extract and 0.05 g/L nisin and 70% N2+30% CO2 modified atmosphere packaged in trays; And the forth one, soaking in the 0.25 g/ L honeysuckle extract and 0.05 g/L nisin, and then packaging in bags which was made by PVC. The chilled chickens were stored at 4℃+1℃. Detected colour, pH, tenderness, WHC (Water holding capacity), cooking loss, acid value, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and aerobic bacterial count variation of chilled chicken every 2 d. The result showed the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of chilled chicken had a significant difference among the four preservatives methods. The storage period of chilled chicken which were preserved by the method of honeysuckle extract and modified atmosphere packaged in trays, nisin and modified atmosphere packaged in trays, which was prolonged from 4 d to 8 d compared with the GB 16869--2005. The combination of honeysuckle extract and nisin did not have synergistic effect on the protein, fat and microbiological. The modified atmosphere packaged was beneficial to the preservation of chilled chicken.
The Food Industry
湖北省农业科技创新中心农产品加工分中心(2014-6 20-007-001)
chilled chicken
modified atmosphere packaged