利用嘉禾县1981~2013年历年9月逐日平均温度资料,从发生次数、开始日期、强度、类型以及持续日数等5个指标对该县寒露风特征进行分析,结果表明,嘉禾县1981~2013年共出现了12次寒露风天气过程,寒露风出现频率为35.3%;平均开始日期为9月23日,最早出现在9月9日,最晚出现在9月30日;寒露风总天数为56 d,寒露风天气过程平均持续日数为4.7 d,最长持续日数为9 d;12次寒露风过程中湿冷型占75%,干冷型占16.7%,湿冷型为该地区寒露风的主导类型;重度和中度过程各占41.7%,轻度的年份占16.7%。发生偏早的寒露风较偏晚的寒露风对晚稻的影响更大,其中又以湿冷型寒露风的影响较大;6月下旬播种,9月20日前能安全齐穗的晚稻比播种偏晚的晚稻受寒露风影响要小。根据当地寒露风发生特点在做好寒露风灾害天气预报预警的基础上合理安排生产、加强农艺培管,是提高晚稻抗寒露风灾害能力,指导区域晚稻安全生产和防灾减灾的可靠手段。
Based on the daily average temperature in September from 1981 to 2013, the characteristics of cold dew wind in Jiahe County were analyzed from five aspects including frequency, starting date, intensity, type, and duration.Results showed that there were totally 12 cold dew wind weather processes in Jiahe from 1981 to 2013, the frequency of occurrence was 35.3%.The date usually started on September 23, the earliest date was September 9, and the latest was September 30. The total days of cold dew wind was 56 d, the average duration was 4.7 d, and the longest lasting for 9 d. There were 9 processes as wet-cold, accounting for 75% of all processes, and the other16.7% was dry-cold, which meant that the dominant type in this area was the wet-cold. Among these processes, 41.7% of them were at high or medium intensity, and 16.7% at low grade. In combination with the local sowing time, harvest and damage, it was clear that cold dew wind that came earlier had severe impact on the late rice than those that came later, especially with the wet-cold. The late rice sowed in late June and full heading before September 20 was less impacted than the rice sowed later by the wind. Based on cold dew wind weather forecasting and disaster warning, to arrange the production reasonably and strengthen the agronomic training according to the local cold dew wind characteristics is a reliable means to improve the resistance of the late rice against the cold dew wind.
Hunan Agricultural Sciences
cold dew wind
double-cropping late rice
preventive strategy