以杨梅(Myrica rubra)为试验材料,探讨壳聚糖和二氧化氯(Cl O2)单独处理以及联合处理对杨梅的保鲜效果,通过测定其失重率和腐烂率来评价壳聚糖和二氧化氯各自的最佳处理浓度以及处理时间,并用正交试验设计探索两种保鲜剂的最佳组合配方。结果表明,二氧化氯和壳聚糖单独作用时均能有效降低杨梅的腐烂率,并在一定程度上降低失重率;两者的混合液能更有效地降低新鲜杨梅的腐烂率和鲜重损失率,与空白对照相比,失重率下降0.9个百分点,腐烂率下降31.5个百分点。正交试验结果显示,混合保鲜剂的最佳配比为壳聚糖浓度1.0%、二氧化氯浓度12.5 mg/L,处理时间2 min,与单一保鲜剂处理相比,腐烂率比单独使用二氧化氯和壳聚糖分别下降16.3和23.3个百分点,表明二氧化氯和壳聚糖的联合处理能更好地保持杨梅的感官品质并延长货架期。
Using bayberry as experimental material, the preseIvation effect was studied when it was treated with chitonsan and C102 individually and together,and the weight loss rate and decay rate were utilized to evaluate the optimum treatment concentration and time. Moreover,the orthogonal test was adopted to optimize the combination formulation of chitonsan and C102.The results indicated that both C102 and chitosan alone could decrease the decay rate effectively and weight loss rate to some extent,and the C102 and chitosan combination could reduce the decay rate and weight loss rate more availably,31.5 and 0.9 percent respectively.Orthogonal test showed that the mixture of 12.5 mg/L C102 and 1% chitosan decreased the rate of decay and rate of weight loss most effectively, which reduced bout 16.3 and 23.3 percent respectively,compared with C102 or ehitosan alone,after treated for 2 mins.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences