目的 对居家晚期肿瘤患者家庭进行舒缓疗护护理模式干预,评价患者家属疾病应对能力,以寻求适合社区卫生服务的舒缓疗护护理服务模式.方法 2013年10月-2014年8月,在上海市长桥社区,采用自制调查问卷分析比较本社区58例晚期肿瘤患者家庭接受舒缓疗护团队的护理服务前后,患者家属的疾病应对能力及患者舒适度的变化情况.结果 干预后,患者家属舒缓疗护知识知晓率由干预前8.62%上升至干预后55.00%,生活护理能力知晓率由17.24%上升至67.50%,舒适度知识知晓率从17.24%增长到67.50%,家属症状自评量表总均分由干预前123.28±21.76下降到干预后109.37±22.71,总症状指数均分GSI由干预前1.29±0.22下降至干预后1.16±0.24,抑郁症状均分>2的人数比例由41.4%下降到20.0%,焦虑症状均分>2人数由19%下降到5%,干预后患者舒适度得分9~16、17 ~ 24以及25 ~ 32分段人数所占比例增多,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在社区推行以舒缓疗护团队为中心的家庭医生制的护理模式,可以很大程度上缓解社区肿瘤晚期患者及其家属的心理压力,改善其身体状况,达到提高患者生命质量的目的.
Objective To explore a soothing palliative care service mode that suitable for community health services. Methods From October 2013 to August 2014,58 patients with advanced tumors and their family in Changqiao community of Shanghai received soothing palliative care service provided by soothing care team, theself-made questionnaire was employed to survey the changes of family caregivers' ability to cope with end-of-life care and thecomfort of patients before and after the treatment. Results After the intervention, the awareness rateaboutsoothing palliative care of family caregiversrose from 8.62% to 55%, about life care ability rose from 17.24% to 67.5%, about comfort from 17.24% to 67.5%. The average score by self-rating symptom scale of family caregivers decreased from 123.28 ± 21.76 to 109.37 ± 22.71 ,the average score of GSI decreased from 1.29±0.22 to 1.16 ±0.24;The patients with an average score for de- pressive symptoms more than 2 decreased from 41.4% to 20.0% ,and the patients with an average score foranxiety symptoms decreasedfrom 19% to 5% ;the patients groups with comfort score of 9 -16,17 -24 and 25 -32 increased; the differences were all significant ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion To carry out thesoothing palliative care service mode based on the family doctor system in communities can effectively relieve the psychological pressure of patients with advanced cancer and their families,improve their physical condition and QOL of patients.
Chinese Journal of General Practice
Family doctor system
Soothing palliative care
Advanced tumors
Families coping ability