基于2011—2012年在山西省农业科学院东阳农业试验基地的大田定位试验,2013年在高粱/玉米轮作体系下,以晋杂23高粱[Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench]为试料,设置NPK、PK、NK、NP和CK(不施肥)5个施肥处理,每个处理3次重复,采用随机区组排列,研究土壤养分耗竭条件下氮磷钾肥对粒用高粱生长、养分吸收、产量和品质的影响。结果表明,出苗后76 d,NPK、PK、NK和NP处理最大叶叶面积分别比CK增加18.7%、4.1%、17.9%和16.6%,单株总功能叶面积分别比CK处理增加54.1%、18.4%、47.4%和48.2%;整个生育期施肥处理对叶片生物量有显著影响。自出苗后121 d,各施肥处理对茎干物质累积具有显著影响。NPK、PK、NK和NP处理籽粒产量分别比CK增加了93.8%、35.5%、91.2%和78.1%。自出苗后100 d,CK和PK处理叶片中的N含量显著低于NPK、NK和NP处理,此时CK和NK处理显著降低了叶片中P含量。在收获期,CK处理显著降低了籽粒中N含量。CK、PK和NP处理提高了直链淀粉含量,而支链淀粉含量下降,导致直链/支链比值相应增加。施氮肥处理(NPK、NP、NK)的籽粒蛋白质含量明显高于CK和PK处理;NPK处理分别提高了73.9%和40.3%。NPK处理籽粒单宁含量比CK和PK处理分别提高15.6%和22.7%。研究表明,不施肥和不施氮肥显著降低了粒用高粱植株生长、干物质积累、籽粒产量、氮磷养分吸收以及籽粒中支链淀粉、蛋白质和单宁含量,不施肥和不施氮对高粱的影响明显大于不施磷或不施钾,平衡施肥有利于粒用高粱产量的提高和品质的改善。
The field experiment conducted with the fixed plots tested in Dongyang Agricultural Experiment Station of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2011 and 2012 was carried out to investigate the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium on nutrient uptake, yield and quality of grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] cv. Jinza 23 under the sorghum-maize rota-tion cropping system in 2013. The experiment included five treatments with fertilizers NPK, PK, NK, NP, and CK (without fer-tilization) with three replicates in a completely randomized block design. The experimental results showed that at 76 days after emergence, the sorghum maximum leaf area of NPK, PK, NP, and NK treatments increased by 18.7%, 4.1%, 17.9%, and 16.6%, respectively; and the total functional leaf area per plant increased by 54.1%, 18.4%, 47.4%, and 48.2% respectively compared with CK treatment. Fertilization treatment had significant influence on leaf biomass throughout growth period. Since 121 days after emergence, there were significant effects of different fertilization treatments on the stem biomass. Comparison with CK treatment, the sorghum grain yield of NPK, PK, NK, and NP treatments increased by 93.8%, 35.5%, 91.2%, and 78.1%, respec-tively. The N contents of leaves in CK and PK treatments were significantly lower than those of NPK, NK, and NP treatments at 100 days after emergence. The P contents in leaves of CK and NK treatments decreased significantly as well. At 149 days after emer-gence, CK significantly reduced the N content in grains. The treatments of CK, PK, and NP increased the amylose contents in grains, while decreased the amylopectin content, resulting in an increased amylose/amylopectin ratio accordingly. The protein content in applying N fertilizer treatments of NPK, NP and NK was significantly higher than those of CK and PK. The grain protein content in NPK treatment was 73.9% and 40.3%, more than those in CK and PK treatments respectively. The grain tannin content of NPK treatment was the highest among t
Acta Agronomica Sinica