针对我国河流污染程度高,污染类型复杂的现状,实施水质目标管理是河流治理的根本选择.我国在水污染总量控制的研究起步比较早,但缺少基于水质目标的治理方案编制方法的系统性研究.本文提出了适合于我国国情的基于水质目标的河流治理方案制定方法,基本框架包括水质问题诊断、目标确定与负荷分配、河流治理任务实施和实施效果评估4个基本部分.该方法以河流容量总量控制为基础,突破了传统了目标总量控制方式,并在滏阳河邢台段进行了实际应用.水环境诊断结果显示,氨氮是滏阳河邢台段主要超标污染物.以国控及省控断面为基础,在滏阳河邢台段设定了4个考核断面,设置氨氮小于10、11、12 mg·L-1,COD小于80、55、50 mg·L-1等多个组合目标情景.划定控制单元13个,核算了各控制单元水环境容量和现状负荷,并按等比例分配的原则将需削减负荷分配到排污口.基于负荷分配结果,提出通过重点工业企业和污水处理场治理控制点源污染,通过农村生活污水治理控制面源污染,通过河岸垃圾治理减少河道负荷存量,通过河流湿地建设增加负荷去除能力等一系列治理措施.
Water quality target management is the fundamental choice in our country for the situation of high and complex river pollution. Although the gross control of water pollution has been studied for a long time,the systematic study for the method of making pollution control plans based on water quality target is still scare. In this study,we established a method to make water quality target-based pollution control plan suitable for the national conditions. This method was based on capacity control rather than gross control and was carried out in four steps: diagnosis of water environment,the target determination of water quality and load allocation,measurements implementation and performance evaluation. The method was applied in Xingtai Reach of Fuyang River. The results of diagnosis indicated that ammonia was the key pollutant in this river. Based on the national and province monitoring stations,4 cross-sections of the river were selected for examination. Three scenarios were set according to the existed pollution control plans,in which ammonia should be smaller than 10,11,12 mg·L^- 1and COD should be smaller than 80,55,50 mg·L^- 1. We divided the reach into 13 control units and calculated the water environmental capacity of each unit. The current pollutant load of each unit was also checked and the load needed to cut was allocated to the discharge outlet proportionally. Based on the allocation results,some measurements were proposed. The point sources pollution can be controlled through industry and domestic wastewater treatment; the nonpoint source pollution can be reduced by rural sewage control; the pollution load in the watercourse can be reduced through riverbank waste management. Finally,the construction of river wetlands were proposed to reduce the pollutant.
Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
water quality goal
river pollution control plan
Fuyang River