How to realize organizational ambidexterity well has long been the core issue of organizational and management research, and has also won public attentions and popular spread in the current academia. However, ex- isting research has not come to consensus on its main contents and extents, and the related literature reviews are not that comprehensive, systematic and modem. In order to understand daily organizational phenomenon of ambidexterity better and further prompt researches on ambidextrous organizations in the field of organization and management, the current paper illustrates the theoreti- cal origins in the western society and conceptual definitions of organizational ambidexterity, its dimensions and measurements, and investigates its developments in organizational field. In addition to this, the paper summarizes three kinds of basic research type:theoretical arguments, qualitative investigations, and empirical study, to cover most high-level and carefully-crafted research that have been done in the recent decades both in China and in the west. For theoretical arguments, most western scholars have had direct researches on the constructs of organizational ambidexterity by conducting meta-analysis. Some explore the general concept of organizational ambidexterity, while others focus on several specific factors that influence and have main effects on organizational ambidexterity, such as institutional-effects. Different from western scholars in their choices of research lens, domestic researches by Chinese scholars investigate the functioning-mechanisms, newly-coined concepts and antecedents of organizational ambidex- terity. With regard to qualitative investigation and ease-study, four sub-fields including the construct of organizational ambidexterity, the early forming mechanism of organizational ambidexterity, the balancing pattern of organizational ambidexterity and effects of organizational ambidexterity are discussed by scholars mostly in west. In terms of regular empirical study, antecedents, m
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
organizational ambidexterity
literature review
causal model