Sub- health is a boundary situation of human body that intermediates between health and disease. It is an indication of body weakness ; additionally, the sub - health condition is a dynamic ehanging process. If it is dealt in a proper way, it will turn to health. If not, it will lead to disease. As literature sllows, college teacilers behmg to the risk group. For this reason, the author has investigated the current situation of sub - health mnong college teachers in Henan province, and makes a research on adjustment strategies. The author makes an effort to find out effective ways to regulate sub -heahh and relieve sub -health among college teachers. Taking ,nore than 1000 college teachers from 10 colleges of Luoyang, Zhengzhou, and Xinxiang as the objects of study, the paper conducts a systematic and comprehensive study on the sub - heahh condition among college teaehers as well as adjustment strategies in Henan province with methods of literature, investigation, mathematical statistics and logical analysis.
Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
sub - health, college teachers
physical exereise
self - adjustment