目的了解瘦瘦果中Fe、Mn、Zn 3 种微量元素的分布情况.氯酸)= 4 + 1 分解样品,采用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定瘦瘦果中Fe、对各元素进行了加标回收试验,回收率在103. 5 %-110. 9 % 之间.元素,Mn、Zn元素的含量较少.结论该实验结果可为探究Fe、Mn、及其减肥作用的影响提供参考数据.
Objective To understand slimming fruit elements of Fe,Mn,Zn three kinds of distribution.Methods Using nitric acid and perchloric mixed acidsample digestion, flame atomic absorption spectrometry method for the determination slimming fruit of elements Fe,Mn,Zn contents. Each element spiked recovery test,spiking recovery at 103. 5% ~ 110. 9%. Results The trace elements of Fe is rich and the trace elements of Mn and Zn are little in slimming fruit. Conclusion The experimental results could be used to explore the Fe,Mn,Zn elements for provide the reference data of thin achene effects and the influence of the effect reducing weight.
Trace Elements Science