居民生活行为产生的能源消费及碳排放,在最终能源消费及碳排放中是一个重要的组成部分。本文运用CLA法(Consumer Lifestyle Approach)计算了2005-2012年北京市居民的能源消费量及二氧化碳排放量,结果发现二者的总量均逐年增加。能源消费比较,直接影响高于间接影响;在二氧化碳排放方面,直接影响小于间接影响。城镇和农村居民比较而言,城镇居民能源消费和二氧化碳排放明显高于农村居民,且二者的消费结构存在一定的差异;不同收入水平居民相比较,收入水平越高,能源消费和二氧化碳排放越多。在消费结构上,收入水平越高,食品方面的能源消费和二氧化碳排放量越多,占比越小;收入水平越高,交通通信的能源消费和二氧化碳排放量越多,占比越大。
The energy consumption and carbon emissions that derive from residents' life, is an important part of the final consumption. This essay calculated the energy consumption and carbon emissions of Beijing residents by applying the CLA(Consumer Lifestyle Approach). And the results indicated that the total increased year by year. When it comes to the direct and indirect energy consumption, the direct impact are beyond indirect impact, whereas the direct carbon emissions are less than the indirect. When compared urban to rural, its energy consumption and carbon emissions are beyond the rural obviously, and the consume structures are different to some extent. To the residents in different income level, the higher the income level, the more energy consumption and CO2 emissions and the less proportion of the food; the higher the income level, the more energy consumption and CO2 emissions and proportion of the communications and transportation.
Industrial Economy Review