
四级两审制的发生和演化 被引量:18

Origin and Evolution of the Court System of "Two Instances at Four Levels" in China
摘要 司法体制改革的一个重要举措是设立最高人民法院巡回法庭,这一改革举措可能意味着我国法院层级或审级变化的新动向。从建国以来的历史经验看,法院层级和审级变化并非彼此孤立,且都从属于国家政治形态设计。1954年中共中央取消大区分院,促动了法院审级由三审制改为两审制。两审制带来的法院功能和案负变化,导致中级人民法院层级的设立。为了保障四级两审制平滑运作,民事调解制度扩大,基层法院派出法庭普遍设立。这一法院层级和审级制度的设立,契合了扩大省级地方权力的政治目标。1983年以来"地改市"运动、民事调解制度的萎缩以及撤销部分派出法庭,使得四级两审制的基础发生松动,法院层级和审级方面的新变化由此产生。 One of the basic countermeasures for the reform of judicial system is to establish circuit courts of the Supreme People' s Court. Any change in either judicial level or the hierarchy of the court is an interactive process rather than an isolated incident. A change of the judicial level of a court tends to cause change in hierarchy of the court. However, both are subjected to the design of state' s political pattern, not an outcome of simple judicial technology. In 1954, the CPC dissolved the Cen- tral Bureau of Grand Districts, the governments of grand districts, as well as branch courts of Supreme People' s Court in these grand districts, causing the change of the judicial hierarchy system from that of three instances to that of two instances. The two-instance system led to the changes in function and workload of courts, and eventually to the establishment of a new judicial level of court, i. e. , the in- termediate courts. To ensure the smooth operation of the system of two instances at four levels, two auxiliary measures have been adopted : one is to expand people' s mediation, the other is to extensive- ly establish local tribunals. The system of two instances at four levels fits the political objective of ex- panding the provincial power. Since 1983, the basis of this system has been weakened by the move- ment of transforming the administrative division of region into that of city, the decline of people' s me- diation and the abolishment of tribunals. The analysis of historical forming of this system is the key to understanding the connotation of the institutional increment in the judicial reform.
作者 刘忠
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期41-58,共18页 Chinese Journal of Law
基金 同济大学中央高校基本科研业务费 人文社科跨学科研究城镇化与法律项目(20142877)资助
关键词 审判体制改革 四级两审制 司法与政治 reform of trial system, the system of two instances at four levels, judiciary and politics
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